

Q: What is uveitis?

A. The middle layer of the eye is called uvea. It is made up of the iris, ciliary body, and choroid.

Swelling of Uvea is uveitis,
Swelling of iris is called Iritis,
Swelling of Choroid is choroiditis,
Swelling of Choroid and retina is called chorioretinitis,
Swelling of vitreous is called vitritis, and
Swelling of the entire eye is called Endophthalmitis.


Q. What are the risk factors of uveitis?

A. Major systemic illnesses such as arthritis or joint pain, tuberculosis, HIV, warm infestation, eye surgeries, tumors, herpes etc.,

Q. What are the clinical features?

A. Photophobia, redness, watering, blurred vision, pain.

Q. What are the treatment options?

A. Treatment is directed towards the swelling by steroids and the underlying cause by giving specific medications.
Certain types of uveitis can recur sometimes even within a couple of months or sometimes treatment is required for a prolonged period of time or very frequently.
Complications may also happen e.g. glaucoma and cataract.
Sometimes steroid injection may also require to control the swelling.

Eye Care - Patient Education
